Over Stratton Village Hall



The hall is used for a variety of activities, as shown below. It is available for hire at other times. Charges for 2024.

Charges are to be reviewed in September of this year in line with increasing running costs

  • Local private hire or local not-for-profit groups (e.g. Over Stratton Gardening Club) £5/hr (Min charge of £7.50)
  • All other users including commercial £10/hr (Min charge of £15)
  • Full day (e.g. election polling £200/day)
  • A minimum hire period of 1.5 hours will apply that includes a minimum of 15 mins each for set up and clean up.
  • The hall owns a good supply of tables, chairs, crockery, glasses and cutlery, which may be used when you hire the hall.
  • There is a sliding scale of percentage discount if a lot of hours are booked please ask for details

* Local is defined as residents of South Petherton, Over Stratton, Lower Stratton, Watergore, Yeabridge, Drayton and Wigborough.

Charges are to be reviewed in September of 2024 because of ongoing increases in running costs


There is a Stratton and District hall Facebook page, feel free to join the group.

Posters about events are on the notice board outside the hall and also on the notice board in the middle of the village.

Link to Village hall google calendar if you want to check availability


High speed internet access provided to the community by Gigaclear

Regular clubs & events

Monday Fitness class from 6pm

Monthly discussion group (last Monday in the month from 5.30pm)

TuesdaySunshine Morning nursery

(8:30am-2:30pm during school term)


Yoga from 6pm

WednesdaySunshine Morning nursery

(8:30am-2:30pm during school term)

ThursdaySunshine Morning nursery

(8:30am-2:30pm during school term)

Hiit Class from 5.30pm
FridayCoffee morning, last Friday of the month 10 till 11.30am
SaturdaySeasonal Crafternoons for children (Easter, Halloween, Christmas) 2 till 4pm
SundayVillage walks starting and finishing from here (See notice boards for dates) 2 till 4pm


Sunshine Nursery: C Smith 01460 57916

Hiit class: ZC Fitness 07808 192174

If you want to book the hall please contact  strattondistrictvillagehall@gmail.com to make your booking.

Alternatively call the Village hall booking secretary Barbara Hort e mail Barbara.hort@outlook.com or call on 07771908 507